Како подићи новац са Deriv

Како подићи новац са Deriv

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Како подићи новац са Deriv

Кредитне/дебитне картице

Note: Withdrawals may take up to 15 working days to reflect on your card. Mastercard and Maestro withdrawals are only available for UK clients.

Како подићи новац са Deriv


Како подићи новац са Deriv

Како подићи новац са Deriv


Note: The minimum amount for withdrawal will vary depending on the latest exchange rates. The figures shown here have been rounded.
Како подићи новац са Deriv

Fiat onramp - Buy crypto on popular exchanges.

Note: These payment methods are available exclusively for our clients with crypto trading accounts.

Како подићи новац са Deriv

Withdrawal using Visa credit or Debit card

  • USD, GBP, EUR, and AUD
Processing time
  • Withdrawals: 1 working day
Min-max Withdrawal
  • 10-10,000

* Min and max amounts apply to USD, GBP, EUR, and AUD.

1. Log in to your Deriv account and click on Cashier.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
2. Click on Withdrawal. You will receive an email asking you to verify your withdrawal request
Како подићи новац са Deriv
3. Follow the link that is sent to your email and it will redirect you to the Deriv cashier.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
4. Enter the desired amount that you wish to withdraw from your Deriv account and select Debit/Credit card as your method of withdrawal.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
5. Enter the required card credentials.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
6. You will then receive a confirmation of the withdrawal request.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
You will receive an email confirmation stating that the request for the withdrawal was received along with the processing time.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
Once the withdrawal has been processed, you will receive another email stating that it was successful and the funds will be reflected on your chosen card
Како подићи новац са Deriv

Withdrawal using FasaPay


  • USD
Processing time
  • Withdrawals: 1 working day
Min-max Withdrawal
  • 5-10,000

1. Log in to your Deriv USD account and select Cashier.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
2. Choose Withdrawal and click on Request authentication email.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
3. You will receive an email to verify your withdrawal request. Click on Yes, its me! or copy and paste the link into your browser.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
4. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and select FasaPay.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
Enter your FasaPay account number and click on Request payout.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
You will then receive a payout request confirmation message.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
7. You will receive a payout request confirmation email.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
You will also receive an email notification for your successful withdrawal
Како подићи новац са Deriv

Withdrawal using Bitcoin (BTC)

Processing time
  • Subject to internal checks

Min withdrawal
  • Equivalent to 25 USD

1. Log in to your Deriv BTC account and go to Cashier.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
2. Select Withdrawal and click on Request authentication email.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
You will receive a verification email for the withdrawal request. Click on Yes, its me!
Како подићи новац са Deriv
You will be redirected to the Deriv cashier. Enter your BTC wallet address and the amount you wish to withdraw, and click on Withdraw.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
5. Copy your BTC wallet address from your blockchain wallet and click Done.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
6. You will then see the transaction as pending. Processing is subject to internal checks. Once successful, your funds will be reflected in your blockchain wallet.
Како подићи новац са Deriv
7. You can view the successful withdrawal in your Deriv account statement.
Како подићи новац са Deriv

FAQ of Withdrawal

How long does it take to process withdrawals?

Your deposits and withdrawals will be processed within one business day (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am–5:00 pm GMT+8) unless stated otherwise. Please note that your bank or money transfer service may require additional time to process your request.

My withdrawal verification link expired. What should I do?

Овај проблем може бити резултат вишеструког клика на дугме „Повући“. Покушајте још једном да се повучете, а затим кликните на последњу везу за верификацију послату на вашу е-пошту. Уверите се да користите везу у року од једног сата.

Како могу да подигнем своје лимите повлачења?

Можете да подигнете своја ограничења повлачења тако што ћете потврдити свој идентитет и адресу. Да бисте видели тренутна ограничења повлачења, идите на Подешавања Безбедност и безбедност Ограничења налога.

Могу ли да подигнем свој бонус на депозит?

Можете повући износ бесплатног бонуса када премашите промет на рачуну који је 25 пута већи од вредности износа бонуса.

Зашто не могу да подигнем средства на своју Маестро/Мастерцард?

Исплата Мастерцард и Маестро картица доступна је само за клијенте из УК. Ако нисте из Велике Британије, повуците користећи е-новчаник или криптовалуту.

Како могу да подигнем средства са свог ДМТ5 рачуна за прави новац?

To withdraw funds from your MT5 account on Deriv, you’ll need to transfer the funds to your Deriv account. Go to Cashier Transfer between accounts and follow the instructions on the screen.

Transfers are instant. Once you’ve completed all the steps, your DMT5 account balance will be updated immediately.

How do I withdraw funds from my Deriv X real money account?

To withdraw funds from your Deriv X account on Deriv, you’ll first need to transfer the funds to your Deriv account. Go to Cashier Transfer between accounts and follow the instructions on the screen.

To withdraw from your Deriv account into your personal account, go to Cashier - Withdrawal and follow the instructions on the screen. You’ll need to verify your identity and confirm your withdrawal amount.

After the required processing time of your selected payment method, your funds will be deposited into your personal account. You can check processing times on our Payment methods page.
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