Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Deriwde nädip ýazylmaly

Söwda hasabyna nädip ýazylmaly

Deriwde hasap açmak prosesi ýönekeý.
  1. Web sahypasyna giriň Deriv ýa-da basyň şu ýere döretmek üçin .
  2. quot; Mugt deno hasaby dörediň quot; düwmesine basyň ýa-da sosial ulgam arkaly hasaba alyň. hasaba alyş sahypasy .
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Enter your Email, check the checkbox and click the "Create demo account" button
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An email confirmation link will be sent to your email address. Click the "Verify my email" button to confirm
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You will be shown a new screen to create new demo account, enter your country, password for your account and click "Start trading"
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Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Congratulations! Your registration for Demo Account is finished!

Now you have 10,000 USD for Trading with Demo Account.
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Let’s go through the second option, If you want to trade with Real Account, click "Add" as below
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Firstly Choose your Currency, click "Next"
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Enter you Personal Details, click "Next"
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Enter your Address Details and click "Next"
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Read the Term of Use of Derv, check the checkbox and click "Add account" button
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Your Registration for Real Acocunt is finished
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Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
How to Deposit Money in Deriv

How to Sign up with Facebook account

Also, you have an option to open your account through web by Facebook and you can do that in just few simple steps:

1. Click on Facebook button at the registration page
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2. Facebook login window will be opened, where you will need to enter your email address or phone number that you used to register in Facebook

3. Enter the password from your Facebook account

4. Click on “Log In”
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Once you’ve clicked on the “Log in” button, Deriv is requesting access to: Your name and profile picture and email address. Click Continue...
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After That You will be automatically redirected to the Deriv platform.

How to Sign up with Google account

1. Google hasaby bilen ýazylmak üçin sahypadaky degişli düwmä basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
2. Açylýan täze penjirede telefon belgiňizi ýa-da e-poçtaňyzy giriziň we "Indiki" düwmesine basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
3. Soňra Google hasabyňyzyň parolyny giriziň we "Indiki" düwmesine basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Ondan soň, hyzmatdan e-poçta salgyňyza iberilen görkezmelere eýeriň.

Apple ID bilen nädip ýazylmaly

1. Apple ID bilen ýazylmak üçin sahypadaky degişli düwmä basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
2. Açylýan täze penjirede Apple ID-i giriziň we "Indiki" düwmesine basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
3. Soňra Apple ID-iň parolyny giriziň we "Indiki" düwmesine basyň.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Ondan soň, hyzmatdan Apple ID-ä iberilen görkezmelere eýeriň.

Hasap soraglary

Näme üçin hasap açyp bilemok?

Toparymyzyň tejribesine laýyklykda, müşderileriň hasaba alynmagy üçin aşakdaky ölçegleri kesgitledik:

Müşderiler azyndan 18 ýaşynda bolmaly.
Müşderiler Kanadada, Gonkongda, Ysraýylda, Jerside, Malaýziýada, Maltada, Paragwaýda, BAE-de, ABŞ-da ýa-da Maliýe Hereket Iş topary (FATF) tarapyndan strategiki kemçilikler bar diýlip kesgitlenen çäklendirilen ýurtda ýaşap bilmezler.

Şahsy maglumatlarymy nädip üýtgedip bilerin?

Hasabyňyz tassyklanmadyk bolsa, Sazlamalar Şahsy maglumatlaryna girip, adyňyzy, doglan senäňizi ýa-da raýatlygyňyzy üýtgedip bilersiňiz.

Hasap doly tassyklanan bolsa, islenýän üýtgeşmeleri talap edip bilet iberip bilersiňiz. Şahsyýetiňizi we salgyňyzy tassyklaň.

Hasaplarymyň walýutasyny nädip üýtgedip bilerin?

Goýum goýanyňyzdan ýa-da DMT5 hasaby döredeniňizden soň, diňe Müşderi goldawyna ýüz tutup puluňyzy üýtgedip bilersiňiz.

Deriwde nädip pul goýmaly

Goýum usuly

Onlaýn bank işi

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Karz / debet kartlary

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Elektron gapjyklar

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly


Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Fiat onramp - Meşhur biresalarda kripto satyn alyň

Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly

Visa kreditini ýa-da debet kartyny ulanyp goýum


  • USD, GBP, EUR we AUD
Gaýtadan işlemek wagty
  • Goýumlar: Derrew
Iň az goýum
  • 10-10,000

* Iň az we iň ýokary mukdar USD, GBP, EUR we AUD degişlidir.

1. Log in to your Deriv account and click on Cashier
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2. Click on Deposit and select VISA
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3. Enter your card credentials and the amount you wish to deposit. Then click Deposit now
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4. Once done, you will receive a confirmation of the approved transaction.
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5. You will also receive an email confirmation of the successful deposit
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Deposit using FasaPay


  • USD
Processing time
  • Deposits: Instant
Min-max deposit
  • 5-10,000

1. Log in to your Deriv USD account and click on Cashier.
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2. Click on Deposit and select FasaPay
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
3. Enter the amount you wish to deposit and your FasaPay account ID, then click on Next
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Click on Continue. Your transaction will open in a new window.
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Enter your FasaPay account credentials.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
6. You will receive a confirmation PIN in your email to log in to your FasaPay account.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
Enter the PIN from the email and click on Process
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8. Review the transaction form and click on Process.
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You will receive a confirmation message in your FasaPay account for your successful deposit.
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You will also receive an email from Deriv for your successful deposit.
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Deposit using Bitcoin (BTC)

Processing time

  • Funds available as soon as confirmed

Min deposit

  • No minimum

1. Log in to your Deriv BTC account and click on Cashier.
Deriv-de nädip ýazylmaly we pul goýmaly
2. Select Deposit and copy your BTC wallet address.
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Paste your BTC wallet address into your blockchain wallet as shown below.
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You will then see the transaction as pending. Your funds will be available in your BTC account as soon as confirmed.
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You can view the successful deposit in your Deriv account statement.
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FAQ of Deposit

How long does it take to process deposits?

Your deposits and withdrawals will be processed within one business day (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am–5:00 pm GMT+8) unless stated otherwise. Please note that your bank or money transfer service may require additional time to process your request.

Why does my credit card deposit keep getting declined?

This usually happens to clients who are depositing with us for the first time using their credit card. Please ask your bank to authorise transactions with Deriv.

How can I deposit funds into my DMT5/Deriv X real money account?

Derivdäki MT5 / Deriv X hasabyňyza serişdeleri goýmak üçin serişdeleri Deriv hasabyňyzda ulanmaly bolarsyňyz. Kassire giriň Hasaplaryň arasynda geçiriň we ekrandaky görkezmelere eýeriň.

Geçirişler bada-bat. Thehli ädimleri ýerine ýetireniňizden soň, DMT5 hasabyňyz balansy derrew täzelener.

Deriv X hasabyma goýup biljek iň pes / maksimum haýsy?

Iň pes goýum ýok. Günde on iki gezek iň ýokary 2500 ABŞ dollaryny goýup bilersiňiz.

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